Last night was a wedding rehearsal dinner for two of my favorite people – Greg and Amy. This evening they will exchange vows. WOW! It’s really refreshing to see two people together that want to be together. They are both incredibly great people and I feel my life has been enriched by having them join my path. We will be friends forever for I can’t believe anything would ever happen that would take that special bond from us.
I knew a few members of the family but I met more last night. How refreshing, real people with real lives, that wanted to come and share a monumental event with these two. What a great family! Everyone I met was warm, genuine, and happy to meet me. What a great feeling. The food was wonderful, the setting was uniquely great, and the company was one of those ‘not going to be topped.’
Amy laughed as she brought up the fact that I had asked them both, point blank, one time, when they were going to get married. She grabbed my arm and said, “The answer is, tomorrow, Linda!”
And so tomorrow is today, off to the shower and the trip to Vegas with the warmest of wishes and the fondest of thoughts for these two and their future together.
And after that I have a date. I’ll be picking up my buddy Riot and he’s going to spend a few days with Grandmom. And late tomorrow the truck driving duo will hit town.
Life is pretty damn good here in the desert.