Ok Kids, read on, donate, get into action – the following is from PokerWorks writer Falstaff: Continue reading Falstaff is doing my post today
Monthly Archives: February 2008
The Weather Sux
It’s gloomy, intermittent rain, and face ripping wind gusts that come and go. I hate it! I solved part of the problem by going to bed around 6AM – and in between several phone calls – sleeping until 2PM. Whoever said, “The early bird gets the worm,” can have the damn worms, I don’t want one anyway. I’ve almost reverted back to my dealer hours. If I have to fade gloomy, dark weather in the afternoon, I’d just as soon sleep through it. Problem is the wind. When it’s a real howler, it hits the coach so hard at times that I feel I’m on my way to Laughlin or somewhere and I don’t even have the pleasure of hitching up and driving there. Continue reading The Weather Sux
I can’t relate
Prevo has a post up titled “Poor Linda“, he’s not the only one that has used that phrase when I’ve recounted an event or happening in my life. I don’t get it. I’m not ‘Poor Linda’. Yes, I understand what the post is actually saying but I’m still not ‘Poor Linda’. I don’t think anyone that has ever met me or knows me feels ‘Poor Linda’. I think they are more prone to feel, “God help the asshole that gets in her way.” Continue reading I can’t relate
Las Vegas County Detention Center
I spent Wednesday night in downtown Vegas visiting Ronnie at Aardvark Bail Bonds. Lots of shee-ite going on right now and I can’t seem to get out of the picture. I hate it! I believe we need law enforcement but I also believe some of them turn into a dog pack at times and it becomes totally ridiculous. After the arrest and ugliness of almost two weeks ago, the cop-o-rillas came back and arrested the person again. This time charging child endangerment and I, and others, believe the main reason it’s an ongoing bludgeoning of arrests is because the cop-o-rillas are trying to break the person down and force them to rat out other people. Hell NO, I’m not even going to get into what is going on. Read the book someday. Continue reading Las Vegas County Detention Center