A jump back to Howard Lederer’s B-day pictures

Here goes, this might be installment two and there might be another installment depending on how much energy I have and how long my fingers will obey on the keyboard and mouse. Check out installment one here.

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Carmen Bates seems to be in a lot of these photos…must mean she’s not only a driving force at Bellagio’s high limit section, but a social butterfly and in demand at all poker people gatherings. NICE! Did I forget to add that she’s a great friend too? And if you’re wondering who the beautiful hottie, that’s filling out the white sweater, in the picture above with Howard Lederer is, we’re friends, and somehow maybe in a backwards sort of way, related. She’s the mother of the beautiful Miss Katelyn Rae – my granddaughter.

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As usual, I heard Susan and I left the party too early. On Howard’s 40th birthday celebration, when the party was dying down, he took some of the last of the party-goers to the Olympic Gardens…mostly female was all that was left. Not that I wanted a trip to Olympic Gardens – but it is slightly thought provoking. But on this outing, Susan complained to me, as we were leaving, that she wanted some cake, and she couldn’t figure out how it could be a birthday party without a cake. *Laughing* Suzie has a way of fixing up the birthday cake or any cake with icing on it that’s put out at a party. If you haven’t seen it, I don’t want to spoil the fun for you and tell you what it is. Apparently Suzie stayed with tradition and ‘fixed’ up this cake also.

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Of course there’s more photos. When have I ever taken a mere 50 or 60 pictures at any event. Check back for the next issue.