
There’s been a lot of noise lately about men playing in Women’s Only Tournaments. I don’t have an opinion on whether or not there should be women only tournaments. I do know why they were started. It’s a marketing thing, most of you think it’s to get women into playing poker (yes, that’s a huge part of it), but I believe it was also to make sure a man could make it to the tournament, if he could get his wife interested, and playing…WOW! Couples that play together – sometimes stay together?

Much better to have two bankrolls playing than one, and if they come joined together, they are more prone to be there and stay there. Just like the reason some casinos were smart enough to have poker rooms before the boom. The wife likes high limit slots – marketing definitely wants her there, cause she ain’t got no win, but if hubby’s barking about it, she can’t go. Gee, let’s give him something to do while Mrs. Honey slams a shit load down the throat of a machine.

But back to the reason I started this post – and if any of you have any answers, I wish you’d take it to the forum. I’d love some feedback. As a matter of fact, I’m starting a thread there about it.

Here’s my #1 question, how many ‘name brand’ players (men) have ever played in a women’s only tournament? I’m pretty sure the Artie Cobb did years ago. I believe he asked what he would have to do to play and was told he had to dress in ladies clothes to compete, and he did. He wasn’t alone, there were several other men that did it too. If anyone can verify that for me, I’d love it. And if you can find anyone else that did it, please throw that in too.

Then when you’re stopping by the forum, please give me your opinion on if you think the Lady’s Only events have outlived themselves, are a good thing, or a bad thing, and your reasons.

And how many of you guys would dress up as a lady to play in a woman’s event?

And how many of you guys would even want to play in a woman’s event and if you do, why?

And, as a guy, would you feel embarrassed to play in a woman’s event and not place?

Swing on over here and leave your opinion.

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