The glasses ordeal, it’s not just the glasses, it’s an out of sync time warp and it’s kind of making me crazy. I went to the ‘eye guy’ (Dr.’s office) to pick up my prescription so I could order new glasses. YIKES! The prescription is good for one year in NV. It expired six days ago. KEE-RIST! Make an appointment for another exam? Sure…what are my choices here?
I made the appointment, had the exam, and the good news is that my left eye has improved and things are looking better through it (yes…I had noticed, thank you) the bad news is that a small cataract has formed in the right eye and it’s a little fuzzier. I will just ‘think’ it away and it’ll be gone before you know it. Sure I believe in all of that stuff – don’t you? That’s how my left eye vision improved. I’ve been working on a feel good, get better, regenerate, visualization plan for myself. But in the meantime, I have new glasses ordered, after finding out that the lens I would normally get is on back order and may never show up I”m going to plastic instead. The frames I loved from last year are also KA-PUT so I found something else that was close.
The ‘out of sync time warp’ got me again. I planned to stop by the old house for a few hours, watch “Lucky You” with my sons and then head back to the coach. Waylaid and side tracked. Instead I went to pick up my young buddy Riot and spent most of the afternoon/evening with him – even walking over to the park where kayanna and I used to visit when she lived here. All the swings and slides and kid climbing joys are down – a big fence surrounds that area as I suspect the park is being rebuilt for next year. We had a great time though, Riot was running through the grass and looking for a branch to play with. Dan and Cain (dog) went with us.
It was late when I left the old digs and I had to stop at WalMart for some last minute things. The damn self checkout failed to give me back my pennies and I notified the casher – not waiting for the pennies but wanting them to know it was out. It was dark out by now, driving with sunglasses (prescription) in the dark ain’t no fun.
There’s a McDonalds in every WalMart now (I think) and I went in to order a milkshake. Nope! The machine is down. Hello, Out of Sync Time Warp.
I had to fuel the Steed. I pulled into a Rebel station, shut off the engine, opened the fuel cap, turned to the pump – NO SERVICE – was in the computer screen. CRAP! Another ‘out of sync time warp’. Down the road I went, to find another station.
I finally made it home, long after dark, and felt like I had an attack of food poisoning. I spent the night with the ‘out of sync time warp’ again, between the bathroom and trying to sleep.
But today is a new day, I’m all better now. I’m not out moving around Vegas, I’m staying home. It’s one of my favorite places to be, no noise, no people in my face, no drama.
I just played Duplicate Poker’s free roll for the PokerNews Cup. I can’t get past 9-4 or 3-4 off. I did find A-Q suited once, won that hand, managed to pick up Q-Q and won that hand. Other than that it was all pretty murky. I finished the 2nd level by just jamming all-in the last five hands because I had no out if I didn’t overcome my chip status vs. the people I was playing against. So…next week I will try again.
I bought the Iphone. It’s an incredible little tool. I think I finally have it figured out. I’m swearing off of buying for the next five to six months. The gadget freak in me can keep me broke. UGH!
My truck driving sis was in town over the weekend. We hit the Palms and said ‘hi’ to Wayne. Monte wanted to play poker, Vickie and I went to the machines. SCORE! On my part. She lost, damn it!. When I went to the ticket machine to collect, it gave me 15c in pennies out of the 40c in change that was due. KEE-RIST!
It’s 2 p.m., 71 degrees here in the desert and life is good!
Suzie’s fake birthday party pictures are next up. Check back.
This is just my opinion of course but you could probably skip watching ‘Lucky you’ unless you really just don’t need those 2 hours for absolutely anything else…