Translation – Back in the Box! I hit the box dealing Monday night. It has been my game plan for about a week. I’ve been through all of the twisted scenarios of reasons to deal and reasons not to deal, running them constantly side by side and weighing all of my possibilities including sanity, pocket change, lifestyle, and a few hundred other things for almost a year now. Thanks to the UIGEA, internet poker has hit a slowing trend. Thanks a lot you assholes in Washington -I hope someone cuts a big giant fucking hole in your retirement plan too. Time to deal, time to leave my retirement plan behind for a bit, but I’m not giving up. Continue reading B-I-T-B

The Pan Game plays Greg and Amy’s

So many people think the whole city of Las Vegas is filled with batshit gambling lunatics and ifthey moved here, theywould fall right into that category and would bust themselves and ruin their lives. For some, the answer is “YES” you would have a problem, for most of the rest of the population of the world, once the initial glitz wore off, you’d settle in and find yourself doing what the rest of the world does when they don’t have the 24/7 availability ofGAMBLING Continue reading The Pan Game plays Greg and Amy’s