At Midnight tonight, we will take another step forward – a step forward into another year. At a young age we are always listening to, “You aren’t old enough to do that.” – “Wait a few years…” – “You have no idea how great it is to be young…” when all you want to do is be old enough to shake off the reins and make your own choices.
The years gradually drift by and one day you are out of high school, possibly a parent, moving out on your own, taking a full time job, and you’ve reachedTHAT point; the place you never thought you would be when you were listening to all of the noise from well meaning adults. In truth, you never think you will grow old. You never see yourself as aging or having health problems (if you’ve been fortunate enough to not have them already) and you feel you will live forever. Of course you will!
I have a few tips on living forever.
- Always play fair – no matter what the game because you’ll like yourself a lot better if you do.
- Liking yourself is a key factor in living forever. If you hate you, just get it over with quick – there are ways.
- Get plenty of exercise, eat…well, yes…eat. Drink if you have it! More water than anything else.
- Pay attention, life is hard but it’s harder when you’re stupid.
- Get plenty of sleep; dreams are the vitamins that make our minds whole and fill us with inspiration.
- Never trust anyone. You’ll feel better if you find out they lied and you thought they would anyway.
- Don’t get into a relationship just to be with someone. It’s too ugly to think about.
- Always love your children and everyone else’s. Kids need a lot of love.
- Take care of your money, don’t loan. Your money always looks better in your pocket than the creep that isn’t going to pay you back.
- Plan ahead; think about the overview, where you’ll be in a few months, a few years, or at the end of your life…when you’re tired of living forever.
- Always donate blood and make sure you’re an organ donor, someone you love a lot may need a transplant and if it wasn’t for people like you, they might die while they are waiting. *sadness*
- The greatest gift you can give someone is a smile and your friendship. A smile is the easy part.
- Don’t waste your life – learn how to play poker so while you are living forever you have something to occupy your time and interest.
Have the bestNEW YEARever, followed by a million more. *glasses clink*
Great tips, and Happy New Year!
Dear Linda,
I trust YOU. Happy New Year!