I find it almost too coincidentally bizarre that I’ve been trying to escape the dealing life by all the changes in my life – escape hatch is arranged, I just need additional funding to kick it off – and when the tournament hits (which is one of the times I really hate to deal the most), I’m going to run into this clown in a $5-10 NLH game. Continue reading Back in the Box – Continued
Monthly Archives: April 2006
Back in the Box
Agony! First of all, it’s actually painful to sit in the box and deal when you’ve been a lazy butt like I’ve been. On Monday night, the 10th, I drew the tournament area as my start in the line-up. I did sign the E/O list. And wouldn’t you know I was out in an hour and a half. Amazingly, the second $1,000 ‘second chance tournament’ table I dealt, the 1, 2, and 3s, all ended with A-A, A-A, and K-K, respectively – in the first hand. The 2s had a redraw as two spades came on the Flop. The 3s busted out…Kings never helped. Crazy! And all of these tables are ‘hand shuffle’. No shuffle masters in Fontana. Continue reading Back in the Box
The Pan Game Plays the Gold Coast
A phone conversation with Sylvia Hart (working buddette and good friend), brought the decision of meeting at The Gold Coast. I sent out the usual emails after finally getting semi-settled in the coach on Friday night, the 7th. I called Marie on Saturday and found that she was going to be playing at the Mirage and I would pick her up on my way. Wayne is back in Maryland visiting family. I called Mark AKA Kram – he was being a tourist somewhere in Las Vegas…I have no idea what that means but don’t let me start guessing, the possibilities are endless. I left a phone message for Amy – but no call/no show on her and Greg. I think Chad Patterson has left the fold…he just bought a house and still works at MGM but he never responds so… Continue reading The Pan Game Plays the Gold Coast
Fast Forward the Nightmare and Drear
When I went in to work on Wednesday night, the 5th, I asked for Thursday night off. Got it! Time to move back to my original space at the RV Park and I finally had the means to do it. I was way past ready. The space I was moving out of was noisy as hell – day time people. Kee-rist! I was feeling relatively cocky because I knew I could unhook, hitch up, and move by myself and in a strange sort of way, I was looking forward to it. Besides…I need the practice. But I did call my son and tell him he might need to be ready with the jack…just in case those damn motors didn’t work. Premonition? Perhaps. Continue reading Fast Forward the Nightmare and Drear
Double up on the Nightmare and Three Scoops of Drear to go!
The Pan Game Plays The Tuscany
This is lame. Word Press and the new server are messing with my ability to load pictures to Tango. The post is ready, the pictures aren’t. Please check back…hopefully the next 12 hours or so will be all it takes for the Cyber Fairy to iron things out. *UPDATE* Ok…the Cyber Fairy has handled the problem.
I sent out the usual emails to the Pan Game Crew – and a few new people that expressed interest in meeting us. The way the whole evening came down was a little unusual. The norm is that Marie and I will arrive first (and Viv when she’s not caught in a life thread that keeps her away), Greg and Amy are usually an hour or so late (hey, they’re in love), Wayne arrives after his shift at the Palms and after he is surgically removed from the machines, and Mark AKA Kram is close behind Marie and me. The usual arrival time for me is between 6-6:30 PM. Continue reading The Pan Game Plays The Tuscany