Jingle Jango – Table Tango! The downside of the upside is the Jingle – what jingles? The obvious answer would be bells. It could be money in your pocket.
But damn, if it jingles, it’s really coins and that’s like no money. And Jango? Why…it rhymes with Tango. And how did Table get in the mix? The table is the game of poker played across the green felt; the lunacy, the mix, the gathering of all to best each other over a war of cards and chips, don’t forget to throw in the level of skill and a few million other things that make the recipe work. And Tango – it’s a dance. From Encyclopaedia Britannica *A dance, ballroom dance, musical style, and song. The tango evolved about 1880 in dance halls and perhaps brothels in the lower-class districts of Buenos Aires, where the Spanish tango, a light-spirited variety of flamenco, merged with the milonga, a fast, sensual, and disreputable Argentine dance; it also shows possible influences from the Cuban habanera. In the early 1900s the tango became…*
The dance…the game of war played with cards and chips and human emotion…throw in a little skill and lots of luck. BOOM! Table Tango. It’s all about the dance.
I recently watched a cocktail waitress struggle with a loaded tray as she moved through the crowds that filled the aisles between the tables. The thought of ‘virtual cocktails’ exploded a preview of scenes in my head. The perfect cocktail server – programmable – moving through the mass of humanity; and able to pass right through the masses; until ‘he/she’ arrives at their destination. To an elderly granny, the cocktail server might appear as a horny young buck – plying her with libation to get the advantage on granny and take her home for the night…or maybe as a nun, bringing non alcoholic beverages. To another, the ‘virtual server’ might appear as a fresh young child, full of the innocence of life, waiting to be tasted (pervert). To another, the ‘virtual server’ might appear as a stripper or harlot, wanting to be tweaked and patted as they served the drink. OK! I’m a sick bitch. We all have our own little demons and twists. Now you might be wondering what my ‘virtual server’ would appear as???? Keep guessing, Bitch!
And speaking of Bitch: I recently had the opportunity to state a funny and get full scale laughter from the whole damn table – $30-60 H. Some of them were regulars, especially the 2s. Danny. I’ve heard him referred to as ‘cab driver Danny’…if that’s what he does for a living, well beyond me to know…but he has been the subject of a few other posts here on Tango. Burt walked by Danny, calling him “Bitch!” Everyone laughed. They made comments about how Danny called everyone ‘Bitch’ now. A few hands later, the bet was raised to Danny. He called and said, “Limp!”
I exclaimed, “Now they are going to start calling you a Limp Bitch!”
*laughter* Thank you!
I shut up after that.
Each limit has its own little group. They play as if they were the only limit in the room.
I managed to land in the $40-80 Mixed…they threatened to go to Wynn after it opened. And for the most part, they did play at Wynn. C Ya! I never missed ya! Damn it! Why don’t people just do what they say they will do? They could leave. No one wants them back…except Adam…we’ll take him. He’s by far the coolest of them all and he can think and reason too. He can come back any time but the rest of you…shoo…get the hell out of here!
It’s one of the most confusing games to deal, in the room, mainly because they aren’t considered high limit so they can’t bend the rules, and they don’t know the rules – but neither do most of the dealers that deal the game – so it ends up being a mish mash of people making things up as they go along and trying not to hurt each other’s feelings as they try to take each other’s money. Hello – that’s what Tango is all about…the insanity of people trying to beat each other up over a game of cards.
I’m not sure if I can even remember all the BS that happened during that down. It was utter chaos. A seat opened. Someone sat down. I verified it wasn’t there seat and there was a list, verifying it with the Floor Person. The discussion went to people not being able to post except in position. Of course they can – if the game is running five handed.
Rafael was in the 8s – Adam in the 7s, they were heads-up in an 8 or better hand together – I left their last bets in front of them. Adam won the whole pot and Rafael reached over and took his change from Adam’s bet before I could give change (shit like that makes me crazy).
In one hand, the 6s was last to act and wanted to draw one card in Deuce to 7 Triple Draw, after the discard, he changed his mind and decided to draw two. I wasn’t in a tiz over it but everyone acted like I was. They all jabbered at once, “It’s ok, he’s last to act…blah, blah, blah.” JUST SHUT UP SOMETIMES!
We got a new player…he took the 4s. Three way action – still Deuce to 7 – and the 5s showed a 9 high straight on the River. I said, “Wait! That’s a straight.” The 4s gave me some heat because he didn’t think I should call it as a straight. Ok. WTF am I supposed to call it as?
The 5s actually thought he won the pot because the other hands showed down were a J and a Q. The 5s did not win the pot. Perhaps the 4s thought if I shut up, the other player would fold, seeing the 9, and he would win it. Umnnhhh!
Then the 6s decided he was going to go to his room and sleep. He was going to let his dad play in his seat. I had to call the Floor; there was a list so that wasn’t going to fly. There was a lot more going on in this down, and at one point, I even tried to give the 1s his draw cards first when the Button was in the 3s…
If these kids would just stop trying to run the game themselves, it would be so much easier on the dealing world.
It’s not funny but it is. One of the Massage girls – massaging a guy in the main tournament – took two of his white chips and tried to cash them in at the Cashier. They were ‘no cash value’ tournament chips. I don’t know the whole story behind it but obviously someone was in a lot of hot water over it.
While dealing in Fontana, the Tournament area, the announcement was made that the dinner break would be in a few minutes and each person in the tournament would be met at the Buffet by one of the tournament people so they could dine before resuming play for the evening. The announcement continued – telling players that if they treated the buffet people badly, they would be given a 30 minute sit out penalty when they returned to the tournament. I overheard one player state that that was ridiculous. According to the player, they were adults and didn’t need to be treated that way. Obviously they do or the announcement wouldn’t have been made. Figure it out people! Just because you are a player doesn’t mean you can’t be courteous to everyone that helps you on your playing endeavor. We aren’t your dogs – we don’t need to be kicked. That includes porters, bartenders, cocktails, floor people, hotel personnel, and all of the people in customer service.
So this kid starts a weekend – when I went in to work tonight, I simply stated that if they wanted someone to go home for the night, without clocking in, I’d volunteer. When I checked the line-up, there was an X on my Friday. WOOO HOOO! That means I was excused. Out the door. C ya!