Marie’s pick was Treasure Island for our weekly ‘meet and try to beat each other’s brains out’ as we visit and enjoy each other’s company. It was also her pick for Sunday night instead of Saturday due to some football game here in Vegas that she HAD to go see. Fine! No one objected, as a matter of fact a few people thought we should do it on Sunday every week instead of Saturday. That’s pretty much fine with me too. Continue reading The Pan Game plays Treasure Island
Monthly Archives: April 2006
Kewl Beans!
I get the greatest emails from people: Continue reading Kewl Beans!
The Next Show is About to Begin!
Get your tickets here folks. You won’t believe it! Real people playing poker at real tables – their rent is on the line – step right up, get a ticket now. *lights flash and then dim as the curtains rises. A hush falls over the crowd* Continue reading The Next Show is About to Begin!
Eight Hours? OMG!
I spent eight hours in ‘the box’ tonight. I can’t really believe I’m expected to work when I waltz through the door at 6:30ish. But that’s exactly what happened – Deal, damnit! Deal! Continue reading Eight Hours? OMG!
Destruction could apply to everything we witness on a daily basis in life. It applies to more than one thing during the course of this post. Continue reading Destruction
Jingle Jango – Table Tango
Jingle Jango – Table Tango! The downside of the upside is the Jingle – what jingles? The obvious answer would be bells. It could be money in your pocket. Continue reading Jingle Jango – Table Tango
C*R~A+S^H or CRASH for the Short Version
The Server has been down. Ugly as hell for me since my escape hatch from the human side of life is to write about it here in Cyber. But on to other things instead of dwelling on FRUSTRATION! Continue reading C*R~A+S^H or CRASH for the Short Version
Where is the Escape Hatch?
There appears to be no way out of Disney Land. The crowds are there, the noise is off the charts, the heat is never ending, the mass of bodies fill every seat and walkway between tables and becomes a human door at all entrances and exits to the room. In other words – this kid is losing it! Have I ever told you how much I hate tournaments? Continue reading Where is the Escape Hatch?
How many times can you watch Harry Potter?
As many times as Riot wants. Continue reading How many times can you watch Harry Potter?
FEAR as described in Merriam Webster’s Dictionary:
4 entries found for fear.
To select an entry, click on it.
fear[1,verb]fear[2,noun]Cape FearFear, Cape Continue reading Fear