There’s an energy crisis at my house. As in none, zip, zero, nada, and it’s me. I did make it into work on Friday in time to sign the E/O list – after accomplishing all the other things I needed to do before I got there. I had a jam packed weekend coming up and it was going to be another two days of very little sleep. This is how it started.
Continue reading Sunday, March 13, 2005
Monthly Archives: March 2005
Friday, March 11, 2005
I’ve been the Queen of Slackers when it comes to work this week. Wish I could marry myself to the Dealer’s Box and just go in and work an eight hour shift but my butt’s still dragging and my mind isn’t into it right now. I still have too many irons in the fire, too much to do, and am suffering a ‘tired over’ from the last few weeks of yard work and sleep deprivation in preparation for the Clan Jam.
Continue reading Friday, March 11, 2005
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
For some obscure reason, known only to engineering or whoever the hell sets things up in a poker room, the main podium which houses the page/phone person/computer access/line passes, and lots of other things, is turned with its back to the Poker Pit. The human access side of it faces the Sport’s Book. The back of it is enclosed with plants and wood. How convenient…NOT! The phone person can’t even look out into the poker room to see if a Shift Supervisor, Brush, or player is in the room and knows they have a phone call. Chit mon! A monkey might have figured it out…
Continue reading Tuesday, March 08, 2005
The Poker Clan Jam at my house
Than, Vickie, and poor lil’ ol’ sleepless me… Actually I did manage about eight hours of semi-interrupted sleep on Friday night and it felt pretty good.
Up and raring to go – after all it’s Clan Jam Day – Than and I guzzled coffee and went off to do a few more errands, Vickie married herself to the kitchen – AGAIN! Silly girl! When she arrived I told her we would just go to a deli and pick up potato salad and anything else we thought we’d need – she WANTED to make the potato salad and appleslaw.
Continue reading The Poker Clan Jam at my house
Friday, March 04, 2005
The count down for the Clan Jam had began. I had a million things to do and not much time to do them in.
My sis, Vickie, flew into town on Thursday night. I picked her up – after an exhausting day of last minute ‘to-do’s’. I was bushed, beat, to pooped to pop, running on empty, and dragging ass. We picked up food to go and headed for home. We spent an hour in front of the chimenea in my backyard, indulging in wine and the food. Time for sleep. I settled in – sure I would sleep for eight hours or so but it turned into four hours rest that left me wishing I could go back to sleep. I finally gave it up and got up.
Continue reading Friday, March 04, 2005
Thursday, March 03, 2005
I hurry-scurried to make it to work before time to draw the Line. HA! What the hell is that? In poker dealer lingo, it has to do with E/O’s and Plays…in other words the E/O-Play List.
Since I work Swing Shift and the time I’m supposed to be in the room to report in is 6:45, that is also the time the Line is drawn. Signing up before the Line is drawn is the only way to go if you want priority for playing or taking an E/O.
Continue reading Thursday, March 03, 2005
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
I made it into work but my butt was dragging. I’ve been hauling ‘terra stone’ (they look like little cut outs of key holes…make that big cut outs of keyholes) for a patio slab that already exists off of my glass slider from the dining room.
So far in four trips, I’ve hauled 430 of them weighing over eight pounds each. On two of the trips, Vivienne went with me and helped me hand pick the colors I wanted and helped me with loading and placing. While it doesn’t sound like much, it’s over 3,000 pounds (each trip) by the time they are loaded on a cart, dragged/rolled to check out at Home Depot, loaded into the bed of my truck, loaded into a wheel barrow, then laid in order on the patio.
Continue reading Tuesday, March 01, 2005