Sunday, January 09, 2005

I’ve received more than one response to my last post. People are thinking of me and where I am with what’s going on around me. I truly appreciate the thought and caring that goes into their taking the time to write and comfort me with support and thoughts they’ve specifically put together for me.

I want to stress that I’m not – NOT – out of sorts with anything or anyone – I’m not depressed, sad, or lonely – I’m not giving up on anything. I sometimes need to take the step inside and feel the world through my spiritual sense instead of the time clock and noise and confusion of daily living. It’s quite painful, at least for me; open wounds are not always external and hiding them from everyone around you doesn’t necessarily make them go away or get better.

Writing is theraputic for me. It also helps me understand and appreciate where I was at certain times in my life. I make a living in poker and most of my working life has been entertwined with poker, but it is not who I am. I don’t want to read back over these pages and feel that my life was one big poker story – it is not. These pages are as I want them to be – my life, work or play, laughing or crying.


I have five days off – my sis is here from Montana. We will be competing in the Poker Clan Tournament at the Plaza on Monday at 6 p.m. Jon, Clan Founder, has put a $100 bounty on himself…bragging rights alone would be worth a Million. Should be great fun – anyone in town that wants to come down and visit with The Clan, please do.

Back in a day or so with more refreshing poker updates…intermingled with what’s going in my life from time to time.