Friday, March 19, 2004

The room never slowed down. Picture a flood…bodies…surging into the room, hour after hour, slamming into the Front Podium and rolling on past it, threatening to take everything in it’s path and crush it into the walls and page/cashier area of the room.

When I hit Table 28, $4-$8 Holdem, a sudden blast of the Human Tide Pool stood up and surrounded the empty space (empty?) in front of the Middle Podium, between Tables 19, 24, and 25. Security had entered the room and there was some kind of ruckus taking place. The crowd got bigger. No one left my game to go check it out. A few minutes passed and we could see a fairly husky, middle-aged looking guy, with hands cuffed behind his back, being dragged/led out of the room by a lot of Security Guards. I found out later that some of them were Metro.

Ramsey happened to be walking by my game and gave me his usual cheery smile. I asked, “What just happened with that guy.”

Try not to fall out of your chair and die laughing with this one.

Ramsey gave us this version. The guy was standing, eating peanuts, and throwing his shells on the floor. He was told he would have to take his garbage with him and that throwing his shells on the floor wouldn’t be allowed.

He flatly stated that he would eat the peanuts and throw his shells on the floor until he got a seat in a game. Well, hell! The lists were 300 people long. Guess he figured that he could do whatever he wanted while he was in Vegas and the rest of the world could just piss off. Maybe he thought that was a giant threat…a peanut shell scare…and he would be given immediate seating…go figure.

The Shift Supervisor asked him to leave. He wouldn’t comply so Security was called, hence Metro, hence the handcuffs, and hello to Las Vegas’s most accommodating, no reservation required, crowbar hotel. That’s an easy way to find a place to sleep when there are no rooms available…yeah, right! But do they play poker in jail?


On the Friday’s at Five Tournament side of life, Ben Affleck, Annie Duke, Paul Phillips, and Eric Seidel, were in it. Were you? There were 137 contestants, total prize money $66,445.

Changes coming. The Friday’s $540 buy-in is moving to Wednesday and the Friday Tournament will be a bigger buy-in. News on that coming. During the April Tournament, the Friday’s at Five will be cancelled.

Howard Lederer’s ‘Secrets of No Limit Holdem’