Never forget

that life is a joke, Artichoke, and he who dies laughing the hardest wins!

The PokerWorks HORSE tourney is tomorrow night, come one, come all, or get a Dr.’s excuse for not showing.  The password is, as usual, donkeys, the fee is $5+.50, the faces are new and exciting, filled with poker anticipation and excitement (thankfully we can’t see the faces so I’m just guessing), the time is 21:00ET on PokerStars, the tournament ID is 212385393.  Andrew, smooth talk all of your friends into showing…we need the prize pool builder and all the harassing chat they lay on you.

One thought on “Never forget”

  1. ‘Lo, Linda.

    Haven’t been around to bug you lately. Da Commish is gone, the presiding president of the poker world (confine to poker, not national politics) is a kid, the European Share of the on-line poker market is shrinking (maybe going to PS and FTP, maybe not), and it snowed today.

    So the questions are: Why’d it snow and if poker has jumped the shark, where’s it going to land?

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