Tag Archives: poker beats

Get your feed bags off…

Get to the starting gate for hell’s sake…the Daily Dollar is about to begin – that’s how I felt about four hours ago.  It’s Friday night and only 15,459 runners donkeys showed up.  Don’t get your feet tangled or throw a shoe because you’re sure to be trampled in the mad race if you do.  And watch out for those that throw a shoe – be ready to duck and dodge all the insanity that makes the race what it is….A FRIGGING DONK FEST!  But that’s why they are so much fun, they cost a buck, you can get lucky enough to outrun some of them, and occasionally draw out, although it’s hard to draw out when you start with a real hand vs. their feed bag leftovers. I’m still in at two tables.

Continue reading Get your feed bags off…

Getting rid of the cobwebs

I’m seriously having a disgusting time fading through the harsh waste land of broken clubs and jagged spades strewn across the never ending path that always seems to climb upward and onward and then completely disappear at times as I stumble…sliding into the bog…I’m almost immersed with my grannie fingernails pulling at any piece of slime covered cracked Aces and 9-2 offsuit, hanging on to those hateful memories, trying  to keep my nose above the surface… Continue reading Getting rid of the cobwebs