My Friend has Passed

I found out only a short time ago that Dennis Klenczar was failing in a fight against pancreatic cancer – and now he’s gone, sometime in the night.  He wasn’t only my friend, he was friend to a lot of people and in passing, he will be missed by many. 

We played a poker tournament a few days ago at Full Tilt Poker on his behalf.  For those that came and played, I am thankful, even if they didn’t know him or work with him, the fact that they would register and play is meaningful.  Poker players do have hearts…big ones…as can be seen by all of the charity tournaments that are hosted to help the less fortunate each year.

I feel sadness for all of us that are now without his physical presence in a state of wellness.  I feel sadness that his life had to end with a battle that I can only imagine after watching other people I love being stricken with a disease that gutted their ability to even think or feel anything but the center of a universe holding only despair, draining away their physical strength, leaving them with pain and few options.

I feel comforted that he has passed and isn’t suffering.  Farewell until another time Dennis.