PokerWorks Family HORSE Tourney

Let’s play The PokerWorks HORSE Tourney tomorrow night, the 28th, at 22:30ET at Full Tilt Poker.  The Password is – as always – ‘donkeys’ and the buy-in is $5+.50, what else…ponders…ponders…oh yea…show up! See you there!  Tournament ID 149006994.

Life in the sticks.  It works quite well for me.  I wish I packed my camera with me everywhere I went.  For the first year I lived out here there was a small, single engine plane – broken conveniently in half – setting atop a big storage container or mac truck cab in a junkyard on highway 372.  Each time I drove by there I promised myself I’d bring my camera next time and take a picture.  About three months ago I drove by and it was on the ground, showing through a security fence.  Damn it!  Opportunities lost can never be reclaimed.

The Riot is here with me now.  We still haven’t taken the castle in world V in the New Mario Wii game that came out at Christmas time.  It’s a real be-yatch.  He brought his Spiderman costume and wanted to wear it.  So wear it!  He was in jeans and a shirt for awhile because I insisted on washing the costume with other clothes that were sent out with him and needed laundered, but we went to Walmart late this afternoon and he wanted to wear it so he did.  Funny, watching little kids, they have no shame or fear when it comes to that type of thing, and they sport it like they are invincible.  He was using the palms up, fingers curled  move to shoot webs more than once as we went through the store.  I just laugh my ass off watching him.

Tomorrow dadparental is supposed to venture out with their dirt bikes and possibly go riding over on BLM property that Amy and I hike, whether or not they ride, Riot will go home to momparental tomorrow afternoon at some point. Yes, he has his own dirt bike, hardly ridden, and all  the gear.  No, I didn’t buy it for him.  I’m not in favor of any of it at his age.

I barely made it out to the street the last two days to try the Trikke…oh damn…it’s going to take a lot of work to get back in riding shape.  A few minutes here, a few minutes there, and soon I’ll have the hang/swing of it again and be hitting the pavement for longer periods of time.

The truck driving duo is supposed to be home some time tomorrow night and my son is supposed to be out to start the trenching project early Monday a.m. for the drip watering system.

I did just leave a Rush Poker game on Full Tilt.  I won about $12 playing the $.50/1.00 limit game.  Catch you tomorrow in the PokerWorks Family HORSE tourney.