“I don’t live there anymore.”

A very simple statement made by Riot as we drove by an area that he used to live in.  Isn’t it so true of everything in our lives?  We are in continual change, relationships, jobs, houses, situations, and one day we move on…we don’t live there anymore.

Soon another year will have disappeared, almost as if it never happened, held in its place by memories.  I often wonder where I do live anymore.  In time?  In a place?  In a state of mind?  This isn’t an, “I’m so confused!” I’m not.  I have no desire to be anywhere and where I am is usually OK because I can change it at any time simply by getting up and moving away – or forward.  I’ve lost those sharp edges of youth, trying to fit in, wanting more than I have, aspiring to be recognized for what I did, and managed to move into a better position with myself as I grew up and saw what I did NOT want to be.  I believe I’ve accomplished that, I am what I want to be.

I am a watcher.  I look around me.  I look up.  I look down.  I look behind me at my own revelations as I watched others.  I look ahead.  I take what I’ve have learned and accomplished and store it as one of my greatest proclamations of wealth.  I go armed with memories whenever I venture forth on a regularly trod path or a new one, for those memories serve me well and can enhance my latest endeavor by adding flavor to new discovery or protect me from harm if I need an alarm to tread cautiously.

I am a planner.  I think to the future and what I need to survive and new ways to win old battles.

I still aspire.  Not to be recognized by anyone other than to look at myself and know that I am still moving forward and have excellent goals that not only help myself but others I care about and most importantly, my decisions affect me, I do not harm anyone with my actions.

I do make mistakes.  I try to limit them to as few as possible.  🙂  I allow myself to be human and that means I can be like others around me who continually create Reality TV scenes if I want to – but I don’t.  Making the same mistake repeatedly is truly a sin against oneself.

As 2010 rapidly approaches, I believe I will live:

1)In time?

2)In a place?

3)In a state of mind?

4) All of the above

umnhhhh…I know the answer.  And as the year plays out, there will be places that I can honestly say, “I don’t live there anymore!”