Life pushes us along

and then hits the brakes and goes full speed into reverse, so we can back track, keep our memories fresh and alive, stay in touch with the reality that spins the fiber of what we are – and so it was tonight.

I had gone out to the store, filled the Steed’s tank with diesel, and came home to munch on a fruit bowl of strawberries and blueberries, content that for the moment anyway, life is good. Of course I visited my haven, my release from stress, my soul in cyber, the place that saves all of me when I become frazzled and worn…Table Tango.

The first thing that drew my attention was a comment on Brandi Hawbaker – a Victim of life. As I read, my eyes ran over and I cried. I definitely stepped back into the past, the memories ran over me, and once again I had the same desolate feeling that I had when I found out she was gone. But how I feel can be nothing compared to how her mom feels. I’m so sorry.

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