It’s happened

I’ve turned into a grouchy bitch. I was just a bitch, now I’m grouchy. After fading the crap about my insurance on Wed. at my Dr.’s office and having to reset the appointment, (it’s tomorrow BTW – Saturday), that whole ordeal irritated the hell right out of me. Make it a point to fast for a cholesterol blood test, (and be tested for the HIV, Hepatitis nightmare) wake up earlier than I would like, drive across town – do these people know that diesel is $3.69 a gallon? And then they don’t want to mess with me unless I pay cash, which I would if they would refund it all when they got their insurance payment…but who wants to count on anyone for that? Not me!

I went to Walgreens today to pick up a prescription, more irritation. Yeah, the same Walgreens. I have a discount card from ‘the purple pill’ AKA Nexium. It’s good for 6 months. I’m towards the end of it but even with my insurance, the scrip is quite expensive so this little jewel gives me half off of my cost. Nice! I had to register for it and received it in the mail just like a CC. I present it each time I pick up the prescription. Most of the pharmacy help know what/how it works, a few don’t but they figure it out. I got one today named Allison.

Allison took the card and went to the computer. She informed me that I paid $60 for the prescription and there was no discount available. At that time I was still smiling. I said, “No, I paid $30 for the prescription with that card.”

“No you didn’t. You’ve paid $60 each time since October.”

Hey…thank you so much for telling me what I did when you weren’t around before when I picked up the prescription.

“No, I paid $30 for it each time. It is a $30 savings with that card.”

She continued to look at the computer. 18 other people picked up their prescriptions and left, I was still waiting. She finally went back behind some walls of shelves and asked Mike something about it. She came back to the computer. She asked me if they took the amount off at the register.

“No, they write $30 across the top of the prescription information page and charge me $30.”

She got on the phone. She stayed at the computer. 20 people got their prescription filled and left. I waited.

She typed something into the computer, asking the person on the other end of the phone something, reading #’s from the ‘purple pill card’ she held. After 10 more people got their prescriptions filled and left, she was ready for me.

She informed me that she had to cancel an OLD Crestor card I had on file. I said, “It’s not old, it still has four months worth of discounts on it for that prescription.”

“Well, I took it off your account and used this card.”

Fucking what the fuck!

“Why would you do that?”

“That’s the way I do it!” Let’s put emphasis on the word ‘I’ here.

She was ringing up my charges and instead of blowing up in her face, I quietly said, “Thank you so much Allison, anything to waste time, right?”

She wouldn’t look at me. I took my bag and left.

Honestly, it doesn’t matter where you go or how much you spend, you GOT no win! They don’t give a shit about you or where you’re from or what you’ve been through or how much you went through to get there. You’re dead meat to them, just another face that dissolves into the pavement in the Las Vegas Streets after you leave their presence.

Gee, I can hardly wait to refill the Crestor and go through the process of reinstating that card. I’m just a grouch. Another hour of my time is nothing…nothing at all…and maybe, just maybe, I’ll get Allison. 🙂