
FEAR as described in Merriam Webster’s Dictionary:

4 entries found for fear.
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fear[1,verb]fear[2,noun]Cape FearFear, Cape
Main Entry: 1fear
Pronunciation: ‘fir
Function: verb
transitive senses
1 archaic : FRIGHTEN
2 archaic : to feel fear in (oneself)
3 : to have a reverential awe of
4 : to be afraid of : expect with alarm
intransitive senses : to be afraid or apprehensive
– fear•er noun


Fear as described by Grandma:

Focus on fear and you focus on defeat.:

Know not the meaning of fear. Fear is a form of destroying oneself. Walk into the fire, face the voice within, once faced, you will never know fear. Kick ass, don’t even bother to take names, but in facing fear, know thine enemy.


I may be sweet and totally neat but I still have to listen to Grandma! Someday I’m going to be in a position that will make me rely on everything I learned as I took the path to get to where I am – but in the meantime…NO FEAR!

Sometimes you just have to kick back and not do anything but the most important parts of life. See you there!