Monday, December 19, 2005

Dragging butt! There’s no other way to express how one feels when sleep isn’t the way it should be and there’s too much on the agenda. I couldn’t get the cobwebs out of my head when I woke up and I had to go across town to help a friend with a computer problem before work.

Work was a nightmare, the room was screaming, busier than hell, and I’d signed the E/O and there was no escape hatch. The real reason it was a nightmare was because I was mentally and physically exhausted. There weren’t any strange events or happenings in any game I dealt, they just went on forever.

I’ve been cruising blogs as time permits and trying to catch up with reading – it’s just almost impossible with the schedule I’m on right now. I did promise a few pictures of bloggers from the WPBT event – as time permits – so let me get started.

Tom AKA Mr Subliminal

Tom AKA Mr. Subliminal

And these two are cute – but who the hell are they? Come on…someone…give me their names and blog URL. *edit* Thanks so much April. *End edit*. Kat and Gus

who are they?

On another Blogger Note – Got this email from Alcanthang and wanted to share it:

*Begin email*


Just wanted to drop a note and say I had a great time on Saturday. The offer still stands for a little smack down on some knucklehead players 🙂

I also wanted to comment about your writing about Brandon. I’m not sure if I mentioned it on Saturday but I got to play 2/4 Mix with him at MGM Friday night and he was exactly how you described. During one hand of O8, he won the high and the low was quartered. He announced that “Everyone gets quartered” and took half the high and gave it to the dealer.

The dealers at MGM keep their tips in the breast pocket, I guess they don’t get many? Each dealer walked away with a pocket full of chips.

He left the impression of being a very down to earth guy who made the game very fun to play.

Until next time, see you later.


*end email*


On another note. None of my Saturday night buddies have held the Pan/Poker games in the last two weeks. I suppose it’s a thing of the past now that I’m not there to host it and remind everyone to show up…sad…the end of another chapter. Nothing ever stays the same and in some ways that’s a good thing…in this case, I think not.

On the ‘dragging butt’ issue, I’m going to try for five or six hours of sleep. Later.

And while I’m sleeping, get in gear and register on the forum here. Add some input, start some new threads. There’s a section for bloggers to list their blog url and tell a wee bit about themselves…jump on in.