Monday, January 06, 2003

Dino and Sammy…all in one night? Sammy’s a derelict railbird, nowhere to go, no life, (no happy thought unless it’s watching someone else be miserable), demanding, hateful, mooch, mooch, mooch…oh yeah, and those are his good points. What does he do with the rest of his life when he’s not hanging out on the rail? Who would even bother to find out?

Condescending? You damn right! When you’re the brunt of someone trying to boss you around when they aren’t even a customer and are mooching off of the customers…hell, nothing more needs to even be said about it.

A Sammy background: Fahlah and Ray D. both play $15-$30 Holdem while they wait for $30-$60 seats. They both come in to play poker and are serious players and easy to get along with. Ray was a cop in NY years ago and he has a sense for strange people and a touch for the ‘people of the street’ which gives him a feel/sense for Sammy. Fahlah is Middle Eastern and that gives him a background or familiarity with Sammy because Sammy’s Lebanese.

Sammy sits behind either of them, as a sweater, whenever they are in the room playing. He’s drunk, mumbling, and makes really rude, terrible comments about everyone in the game and the dealer.

One night when you’re dealing $30-$60 Holdem, Sammy sits behind Fahlah, who’s in the One Seat and that puts Sammy right behind you Mumbling through his alcohol induced state of hatred, he’s jabbing and prodding Fahlah’s arm to get his attention, speaking in another language, and you turn to Sammy and state, “No conversation during the hand, please.”

Sammy glares at you as if you don’t know your place and expects you to crawl into a hole.
Fahlah laughs with you when you deal. He asks you what you call Sammy…you say, “Jerk!”

Fahlah finds that to be very humorous. He says that Sammy is ‘nasty’ not just mean but ‘nasty’.

Well one night when you’re dealing to both Ray and Fahlah and Sammy is sitting behind Fahlah, Ray looks at Sammy and asks, “You cheating on me?”

Maybe you would have to be there but it is funny! Sammy is a low life, ass kissing creep and he goes with whomever will tolerate and stroke him. So on to tonight.

Ray is waiting for a seat in $15-$30 Holdem at 2 a.m. as the $30-$60 looks horrible and Ray is playing $4-$8 Holdem while he waits. Who found him? Who comes to sit behind him? Creep Breath the Jerk, of course.

Ray gets called for $30-$60 Holdem and Sammy asks Ray to leave his chips and let him play if Ray takes the seat in $30-$60. You look at Ray and say, “No! Take him with you if you go.”

Gus a player/dealer, in the seat next to Ray, agrees that Ray should take Sammy with him. Ray laughs…”You guys are mean!”

Sammy is so drunk that he misses all of the innuendos and conversation around and about him. He keeps telling Ray to raise and bet although he’s never seen Ray’s cards and has no idea what the play of the hand has been.

Ray is on his 2nd buy-in without winning a hand and he tosses his cards with a shrug and gives you the ‘what the hell is going on look’ and you nod at Sammy and mouth, “Jonah!”

Ray starts laughing. Hey, it’s all worth it in the long run!

Moving on! Dino? He’s definitely convinced that he’s the hottest thing since crunchy peanut butter and has a mouth to back it up. He is a player though and can be very funny when he’s semi-sober. Tonight he wasn’t even close to the semi part of it but he was a great straight man for all the jokes that went right over his head…of course, they were aimed at him. But more on him later.

This post is done by Chanzes – during the time period that I took a break from posting in the Diary.